ASP.NET Formulários Web
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Notas de versão do Infragistics ASP.NET - abril de 2024: versão de serviço 23.1
Stamen Stoychev
With every release comes a set of release notes that reflects the state of resolved bugs and new additions from the previous release. You’ll find the notes useful to help determine the resolution of existing issues from a past release and...
Notas de versão do Infragistics ASP.NET - dezembro de 2021: versão de serviço 20.2, 21.1
Nikolay Alipiev
With every release comes a set of release notes that reflects the state of resolved bugs and new additions from the previous release. You’ll find the notes useful to help determine the resolution of existing issues from a past release and...
.NET Conference 2021 – Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre o evento
Jason Beres [Infragistics]
Each year the .NET Conference grows bigger, attracting top-notch speakers and thousands of live viewers from all around the globe. Judging by the hype created on social media channels like Twitter, the .NET Conf 2021 promises to be yet...