Web Components Tree Grid Selection Overview

    With the Ignite UI for Web Components Select feature in Web Components Tree Grid you can easily interact with and manipulate data using simple mouse interactions. There are three selection modes available:

    • Row selection
    • Cell selection
    • Column selection

    With the rowSelection property, you can specify:

    • None
    • Single
    • Multiple Select

    Web Components Tree Grid Selection Example

    The sample below demonstrates three types of cell selection behaviors in the IgcTreeGridComponent. Use the buttons below to enable each of the available selection modes.

    Web Components Tree Grid Selection Options

    Web Components Tree Grid Row Selection

    Property rowSelection enables you to specify the following options:

    • None - Row selection would be disabled for the IgcTreeGridComponent.
    • Single - Selection of only one row within the IgcTreeGridComponent would be available.
    • Multiple - Multi-row selection would be available by using the row selectors, with a key combination like ctrl + click, or by pressing the space key once a cell is focused.
    • MultipleCascade - This is a mode for cascading selection, resulting in the selection of all children in the tree below the record that the user selects with user interaction. In this mode a parent's selection state entirely depends on the selection state of its children.

    Go to Row selection topic for more information.

    Web Components Tree Grid Cell Selection

    Property cellSelection enables you to specify the following options:

    • None - Cell selection would be disabled for the IgcTreeGridComponent.
    • Single - Selection of only one cell within the IgcTreeGridComponent would be available.
    • Multiple - Currently, this is the default state of the selection in the IgcTreeGridComponent. Multi-cell selection is available by mouse dragging over the cells, after a left button mouse clicked continuously.

    Go to Cell selection topic for more information.

    Web Components Tree Grid Column Selection

    The selectable property enables you to specify the following options for each IgcColumnComponent. The corresponding column selection will be enabled or disabled if this property is set to true or false, respectively.

    This leads to the following three variations:

    • Single selection - mouse click over the column cell.
    • Multi column selection - holding ctrl + mouse click over the column cells.
    • Range column selection - holding shift + mouse click selects everything in between.

    Go to Column selection topic for more information.

    Known Issues and Limitations

    When the grid has no primaryKey set and remote data scenarios are enabled (when paging, sorting, filtering, scrolling trigger requests to a remote server to retrieve the data to be displayed in the grid), a row will lose the following state after a data request completes:

    • Row Selection
    • Row Expand/collapse
    • Row Editing
    • Row Pinning

    API References

    Additional Resources

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