Web Components Tree Grid Editing

    The Ignite UI for Web Components Cell Editing feature in Web Components Tree Grid provides an easy way to perform data manipulation operations like creating, updating, and deleting records. The IgcTreeGridComponent provides you with a powerful public API which allows you to customize the way these operations are performed. The data manipulation phases are:


    In order to specify which edit mode should be enabled, the IgcTreeGridComponent exposes the following boolean properties - editable and rowEditable.

    The editable property enables you to specify the following options:

    • false - the editing for the corresponding column will be disabled. This is the default value.
    • true - the editing for the corresponding column will be enabled.

    Keep in mind that if the column is not editable, you can still modify its value through the public API exposed by the IgcTreeGridComponent.

    The rowEditable property enables you to specify the following options:

    • false - the row editing in the corresponding grid will be disabled. This is the default value.
    • true - the row editing in the corresponding grid will be enabled.

    In the IgcTreeGridComponent, if you set rowEditable property to true, and the editable property is not explicitly defined for any column, the editing will be enabled for all the columns except the primary key.

    • Cell and Batch Editing - in this scenario every singe modification of each cell is preserved separately and undo/ redo operations are available on cell level;
    • Row and Batch Editing - in this scenario the modifications are preserved on row level so undo/ redo operations will not be working for each cell that is modified but for the bunch of cell from each row.

    Editing Templates

    If you want to use a data type specific edit templates, you should specify the column's dataType property. So let's now see what are the default templates for each type:

    • For string data type, default template is using IgcInputComponent.
    • For number data type, default template is using IgcInputComponent type="number", so if you try to update cell to a value which can not be parsed to a number your change is going to be discarded, and the value in the cell will be set to 0.
    • For date data type, default template is using IgcDatePickerComponent
    • For dateTime data type, default template is using DateTimeEditor. This editor will give you a mask directions for the input elements part of the DateTime object.
    • For time - data type, default template is using TimePicker.
    • For boolean data type, default template is using IgcCheckboxComponent.
    • For currency data type, default template is using InputGroup with prefix/suffix configuration based on application or grid locale settings.
    • For percent data type, default template is using InputGroup with suffix element that shows a preview of the edited value in percents.

    All available column data types could be found in the official Column types topic.

    Event Arguments and Sequence

    The grid exposes a wide array of events that provide greater control over the editing experience. These events are fired during the Row Editing and Cell Editing lifecycle - when starting, committing or canceling the editing action.

    Event Description Arguments Cancellable
    RowEditEnter If RowEditing is enabled, fires when a row enters edit mode IgcGridEditEventArgs true
    CellEditEnter Fires when a cell enters edit mode (after RowEditEnter) IgcGridEditEventArgs true
    CellEdit If value is changed, fires just before a cell's value is committed (e.g. by pressing Enter) IgcGridEditEventArgs true
    CellEditDone If value is changed, fires after a cell has been edited and cell's value is committed IgcGridEditDoneEventArgs false
    CellEditExit Fires when a cell exits edit mode IgcGridEditDoneEventArgs false
    RowEdit If RowEditing is enabled, fires just before a row in edit mode's value is committed (e.g. by clicking the Done button on the Row Editing Overlay) IgcGridEditEventArgs true
    RowEditDone If RowEditing is enabled, fires after a row has been edited and new row's value has been committed. IgcGridEditDoneEventArgs false
    RowEditExit If RowEditing is enabled, fires when a row exits edit mode IgcGridEditDoneEventArgs false

    Event Cancelation

    • RowEditEnter - Neither Row nor Cell will enter edit mode.
    • CellEditEnter - Prevents entering cell edit. If rowEditable is enabled, row edit will be triggered, although cell edit will remain forbidden.
    • CellEdit - Allowed Cell and/or Row edit, hitting Done button or Enter won't commit the value or row transaction. Cell editing and Row editing won't be closed until Cancel button is clicked.
    • RowEdit - Committing cell is possible, but not the whole row. The row will stay in edit mode and the row transaction will be considered open. Hitting Done does not commit or close the row. Cancel button closes the editing process and the transaction without committing the changes.

    The following sample demonstrates the editing execution sequence in action:

    Features integration

    While a cell/row is in edit mode, a user may interact with the grid in many ways. The following table specifies how a certain interaction affects the current editing:

    Tree Grid Filtering Sorting Paging Moving Pinning Hiding GroupBy Resizing Escape Enter F2 Tab Cell Click Add new row/Delete/Edit
    Keep edit mode
    Exit edit mode

    As seen from the table, all interactions, except resizing a column, will end the editing and will discard the new values. Should the new value be committed, this can be done by the developer in the corresponding feature "-ing" event.

    Example how to commit new values, if user tries to sort the column while a cell/row is in edit mode:

    <igc-tree-grid id="grid" primary-key="ProductID" >
    constructor() {
        var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcTreeGridComponent;
        grid.data = this.data;
        grid.addEventListener("sorting", this.onSorting);
    public onSorting(event: IgcSortingEventArgs) {
        var grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcTreeGridComponent;

    API References

    Additional Resources