Web Components Hierarchical Grid Remote Data Operations
By default, the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent
uses its own logic for performing data operations.
You can perform these tasks remotely and feed the resulting data to the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent
by taking advantage of certain inputs and events, which are exposed by the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent
Remote Paging
export class RemotePagingService {
public static BASE_URL = 'https://data-northwind.indigo.design/';
public static CUSTOMERS_URL = `${RemotePagingService.BASE_URL}Customers/GetCustomersWithPage`;
constructor() {}
public static getDataWithPaging(pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number) {
return fetch(RemotePagingService.buildUrl(RemotePagingService.CUSTOMERS_URL, pageIndex, pageSize))
.then((result) => result.json())
.catch((error) => console.error(error.message));
public static getHierarchyDataById(parentEntityName: string, parentId: string, childEntityName: string) {
return fetch(`${RemotePagingService.BASE_URL}${parentEntityName}/${parentId}/${childEntityName}`)
.then((result) => result.json());
private static buildUrl(baseUrl: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number) {
let qS = "";
if (baseUrl) {
qS += `${baseUrl}`;
// Add pageIndex and size to the query string if they are defined
if (pageIndex !== undefined) {
qS += `?pageIndex=${pageIndex}`;
if (pageSize !== undefined) {
qS += `&size=${pageSize}`;
} else if (pageSize !== undefined) {
qS += `?perPage=${pageSize}`;
return `${qS}`;
After declaring the service, we need to create a component, which will be responsible for the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent
construction and data subscription.
First we need to bind to the relevant events so when we change pages and the amount of records shown per page, the remote service will fetch the correct amount of data
constructor() {
this.hierarchicalGrid = document.getElementById("hGrid") as IgcHierarchicalGridComponent;
this.pager = document.getElementById('paginator') as IgcPaginatorComponent;
const ordersRowIsland = document.getElementById("ordersRowIsland") as IgcRowIslandComponent;
const orderDetailsRowIsland = document.getElementById("orderDetailsRowIsland") as IgcRowIslandComponent;
ordersRowIsland.paginatorTemplate = this.webHierarchicalGridPaginatorTemplate;
orderDetailsRowIsland.paginatorTemplate = this.webHierarchicalGridPaginatorTemplate;
this._bind = () => {
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
this.pager.perPage = this._perPage;
this.pager.addEventListener("perPageChange", ((args: CustomEvent<any>) => {
this.perPage = args.detail;
this.loadCustomersData(this.page, this.perPage);
}) as EventListener);
this.pager.addEventListener("pageChange", ((args: CustomEvent<any>) => {
this.page = args.detail;
this.loadCustomersData(this.page, this.perPage);
}) as EventListener);
ordersRowIsland.addEventListener("gridCreated", (event: any) => {
this.gridCreated(event, "Customers");
orderDetailsRowIsland.addEventListener("gridCreated", (event: any) => {
this.gridCreated(event, "Orders");
We also need to set the method for loading data and update the UI accordingly:
private updateUI(): void {
if (this.hierarchicalGrid && this.data) { // Check if grid and data are available
this.hierarchicalGrid.data = this.data;
private loadCustomersData(pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number): void {
this.hierarchicalGrid.isLoading = true;
.then((response: CustomersWithPageResponseModel) => {
this.totalRecordsCount = response.totalRecordsCount;
this.pager.perPage = pageSize;
this.pager.totalRecords = this.totalRecordsCount;
this.page = response.pageNumber;
this.data = response.items;
this.hierarchicalGrid.isLoading = false;
this.updateUI(); // Update the UI after receiving data
.catch((error) => {
this.hierarchicalGrid.data = [];
this.hierarchicalGrid.isLoading = false;
And finally we need to handle the behaviour behind the actual hierarchy levels of the Hierarchical Gird
public gridCreated(event: CustomEvent<IgcGridCreatedEventArgs>, parentKey: string) {
const context = event.detail;
const parentId: string = context.parentID;
const childDataKey: string = context.owner.childDataKey;
context.grid.isLoading = true;
RemotePagingService.getHierarchyDataById(parentKey, parentId, childDataKey)
.then((data: any) => {
context.grid.data = data;
context.grid.isLoading = false;
.catch((error) => {
context.grid.data = [];
context.grid.isLoading = false;
public webHierarchicalGridPaginatorTemplate = () => {
return html `
For further reference, please check the demo bellow:
Grid Remote Paging Demo
Known Issues and Limitations
- When the grid has no
set and remote data scenarios are enabled (when paging, sorting, filtering, scrolling trigger requests to a remote server to retrieve the data to be displayed in the grid), a row will lose the following state after a data request completes:
- Row Selection
- Row Expand/collapse
- Row Editing
- Row Pinning
API References
Additional Resources
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