Web Components Date Picker Component Overview

    The Ignite UI for Web Components Date Picker is a feature rich component used for entering a date through manual text input or choosing date values from a calendar dialog that pops up. Lightweight and simple to use, the Date Picker lets users navigate to a desired date with several view options – month, year, and decade. It also supports common validation properties such as minimum and maximum date constraints and required fields.

    The Ignite UI for Web Components Date Picker Component lets users pick a single date through a month-view calendar dropdown or editable input field. The Web Components Date Picker also supports a dialog mode for selection from the calendar only, locale-aware and customizable date formatting and validation integration.

    [!NOTE] The IgcDatePickerComponent is a brand new component from Ignite UI for Web Components version 5.0.0. The old IgcDatePickerComponent prior to this version has been renamed to XDatePicker and its respective documentation page can be found under "Deprecated Components"

    Web Components Date Picker Example

    Below you can see a sample that demonstrates how the Date Picker works when users are enabled to pick a date through a manual text input and click on the calendar icon on the left to navigate to it. See how to render it.

    Getting Started with Web Components Date Picker

    Primeiro, você precisa instalar o Ignite UI for Web Components executando o seguinte comando:

    npm install igniteui-webcomponents

    You will then need to import the IgcDatePickerComponent, its necessary CSS, and register its module, like so:

    import { defineComponents, IgcDatePickerComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents';
    import 'igniteui-webcomponents/themes/light/bootstrap.css';

    Para uma introdução completa ao Ignite UI for Web Components, leia o tópico Introdução.

    Using the Web Components Date Picker Component

    Display Date Picker

    To instantiate a IgcDatePickerComponent in its default dropdown state, use the following code:

        <p slot="helper-text">Date</p>


    The IgcDatePickerComponent can be bound to a date or a string.

    const DatePicker = document.querySelector('igc-date-picker') as IgcDatePickerComponent;
    const date = new Date();
    DatePicker.value = date;

    If a string is bound to the picker, it needs to be in the ISO 8601 format:

    <igc-date-picker value="2000-01-01"></igc-date-picker>

    Projecting components

    With prefix and suffix slots we can add different content before and after the main content of the Input.

    <igc-date-picker id="DatePicker">
        <igc-icon slot="suffix" name="arrow_upward" collection="material" class="small" onclick="DatePicker.stepUp()"></igc-icon>

    The above snippet will add an additional icon at the end of the input, right after the default clear icon. This will not remove the default toggle icon, though as prefixes and suffixes can be stacked one after the other.

    Personalizando os ícones de alternância e limpeza

    The calendar and clear icon could be templated by using the calendar and clear slots:

    <igc-date-picker id="DatePicker">
        <igc-icon slot="calendar" name="calendar" collection="material" class="small"></igc-icon>
        <igc-icon slot="clear" name="delete" collection="material" class="small"></igc-icon>

    Botões de ação personalizados

    The picker's action buttons can be templated using the actions slot:

    <igc-date-picker id="DatePicker">
        <igc-button slot="actions" onclick="DatePicker.showWeekNumbers = true">Show Week Numbers</igc-button>

    Keyboard Navigation

    The IgcDatePickerComponent has intuitive keyboard navigation that makes it easy to increment, decrement, or jump through different DateParts among others without having to touch the mouse.

    Chaves Descrição
    Mover um caractere para o início
    Mover um caractere para o final
    Casa Mover para o início
    Fim Mover para o final
    Ctrl / Comando + Mover para o início da seção de data/hora - atual ou esquerda
    Ctrl / Comando + Mover para o final da seção de data/hora - atual ou à direita
    Foco em uma parte de data/hora + Decrementa uma parte de data/hora
    Foco em uma parte de data/hora + Incrementa uma parte de data/hora
    Ctrl / Comando +; Define a data/hora atual como o valor do editor
    Esc Fecha o pop-up do calendário e foca o campo de entrada


    Dialog Mode

    The IgcDatePickerComponent also supports a dialog mode:

    <igc-date-picker id="DatePicker" mode="dialog">

    Display and input format

    inputFormat and displayFormat are properties which can be set to make the picker's editor follow a specified format. The inputFormat is locale based, so if none is provided, the picker will default to the one used by the browser.

    A good thing to note is that the Date Picker Component will always add a leading zero on the date and month portions if they were provided in a format that does not have it, e.g. d/M/yy becomes dd/MM/yy. This applies only during editing.

    displayFormat is used to format the picker's input when it is not focused. If no displayFormat is provided, the picker will use the inputFormat as its displayFormat.

    More information about these can be found in the IgcDateTimeInputComponent format section.

    Increment and decrement

    The IgcDatePickerComponent exposes stepUp and stepDown methods. Both of which come from the IgcDateTimeInputComponent and can be used for incrementing and decrementing a specific DatePart of the currently set date.

    <igc-date-picker id="DatePicker">
        <igc-icon slot="prefix" name="arrow_upward" collection="material" onclick="DatePicker.stepUp()"></igc-icon>
        <igc-icon slot="suffix" name="arrow_downward" collection="material" onclick="DatePicker.stepDown()"></igc-icon>

    In Forms

    The IgcDatePickerComponent could be used in a form element, the component's min and max properties act as form validators.

    In forms, we can handle the igcChange event of the component and update the value of the label.

    Calendar Specific settings

    The IgcDatePickerComponent can modify some of the calendar's settings via the properties that the Date Picker exposes. Some of these include visibleMonths which allows more than one calendar to be displayed when the picker expands, weekStart which determines the starting day of the week, showWeekNumbers which shows the number for each week in the year and more.


    The localization of the IgcDatePickerComponent can be controlled through its locale input.

    Here is how a IgcDatePickerComponent with Japanese locale definition would look like:

    <igc-date-picker locale="ja-JP">


    The IgcDatePickerComponent component derives from the IgcInputComponent and IgcCalendarComponent component, so it exposes all available CSS parts. See Input Styling and Calendar Styling for reference.

    igc-date-picker::part(header) {
      background-color: var(--ig-primary-500);
      color: var(--ig-primary-500-contrast);
    igc-date-picker::part(calendar-content) {
      background-color: var(--ig-surface-300);
    igc-date-picker::part(date-inner current) {
      color: var(--ig-info-300);
      background-color: var(--ig-surface-300);
    igc-date-picker::part(years-navigation):hover {
      color: var(--ig-secondary-500);
    igc-date-picker::part(month-inner current),
    igc-date-picker::part(year-inner current),
    igc-date-picker::part(years-navigation) {
      color: var(--ig-info-300);
    igc-date-picker::part(date-inner selected),
    igc-date-picker::part(month-inner selected),
    igc-date-picker::part(year-inner selected) {
      color: var(--ig-secondary-500-contrast);
      background-color: var(--ig-secondary-500);

    API References

    Additional Resources