Web Components Hierarchical Grid Row Selection

    The Ignite UI for Web Components Row Selection feature in Web Components Hierarchical Grid allows users to interactively select, highlight, or deselect a single or multiple rows of data. There are several selection modes available in the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent:

    • Nenhuma seleção
    • Seleção múltipla
    • Seleção única

    Web Components Row Selection Example

    The sample below demonstrates the three types of IgcHierarchicalGridComponent's row selection behavior. Use the drop-down below to enable each of the available selection modes. Use the checkbox to hide or show the row selector checkboxes.


    In order to setup row selection in the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent, you just need to set the rowSelection property. This property accepts GridSelectionMode enumeration.

    GridSelectionMode expõe os seguintes modos:

    • Nenhum
    • Solteiro
    • Múltiplo

    Abaixo, veremos cada um deles com mais detalhes.

    Nenhuma seleção

    In the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent by default row selection is disabled (rowSelection is None). So you can not select or deselect a row through interaction with the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent UI, the only way to complete these actions is to use the provided API methods.

    Seleção única

    Single row selection can now be easily set up, the only thing you need to do, is to set rowSelection to Single property. This gives you the opportunity to select only one row within a grid. You can select a row by clicking on a cell or pressing the space key when you focus on a cell of the row, and of course you can select a row by clicking on the row selector field. When row is selected or deselected RowSelectionChanging event is emitted.

    <igc-hierarchical-grid id="grid" row-selection="Single" auto-generate="true"
    constructor() {
        const grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcHierarchicalGridComponent;
        grid.data = this.data;
        grid.addEventListener("rowSelectionChanging", this.handleRowSelection);
    public handleRowSelection(args: IgcRowSelectionEventArgs) {
        if (args.detail.added.length && args.detail.added[0] === 3) {
            args.detail.cancel = true;

    Seleção múltipla

    To enable multiple row selection in the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent just set the rowSelection property to Multiple. This will enable a row selector field on each row and in the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent header. The row selector allows users to select multiple rows, with the selection persisting through scrolling, paging, and data operations, such as sorting and filtering. The row also can be selected by clicking on a cell or by pressing the space key when a cell is focused. If you have selected one row and click on another while holding the shift key, this will select the whole range of rows. In this selection mode, when you click on a single row, the previous selected rows will be deselected. If you click while holding the ctrl key, the row will be toggled and the previous selection will be preserved.

    <igc-hierarchical-grid id="grid" primary-key="ProductID" row-selection="Multiple"
            allow-filtering="true" auto-generate="true">


    • A seleção de linha acionará o evento RowSelectionChanging. Este evento fornece informações sobre a nova seleção, a seleção antiga, as linhas que foram adicionadas e removidas da seleção antiga. Além disso, o evento é cancelável, o que permite que você impeça a seleção.
    • When row selection is enabled row selectors are displayed, but if you don't want to show them, you can set hideRowSelectors to true.
    • Ao alternar entre os modos de seleção de linha em tempo de execução, isso limpará o estado de seleção de linha anterior.

    API usage

    Select Rows Programmatically

    The code snippet below can be used to select one or multiple rows simultaneously (via primaryKey). Additionally, the second parameter of this method is a boolean property through which you may choose whether the previous row selection will be cleared or not. The previous selection is preserved by default.

    <igc-hierarchical-grid id="grid"
    <button id='select'>Select 1,2 and 5</button>
    constructor() {
        document.getElementById("select").addEventListener("click", this.onClickSelect);
    public onClickSelect() {
        const grid = document.getElementById("grid") as IgcHierarchicalGridComponent;
        grid.selectRows([1,2,5], true);

    This will add the rows which correspond to the data entries with IDs 1, 2 and 5 to the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent selection.

    Deselect Rows

    If you need to deselect rows programmatically, you can use the deselectRows method.

    <igc-hierarchical-grid id="grid"
    <button id='deselect'>DeSelect</button>
    constructor() {
        document.getElementById("deselect").addEventListener("click", this.onClickDeselect);
    public onClickDeselect() {
        const grid = document.getElementById("grid") as IgcHierarchicalGridComponent;

    Row Selection Event

    Quando há alguma alteração na seleção de linha, o evento RowSelectionChanging é emitido. RowSelectionChanging expõe os seguintes argumentos:

    • OldSelection- matriz de IDs de linha que contém o estado anterior da seleção de linha.
    • NewSelection- matriz de IDs de linha que correspondem ao novo estado da seleção de linha.
    • Added- matriz de IDs de linhas que estão atualmente adicionadas à seleção.
    • Removed- matriz de IDs de linhas que atualmente são removidas de acordo com o antigo estado de seleção.
    • Event- o evento original que acionou a alteração na seleção de linha.
    • Cancel- permite impedir a alteração da seleção de linha.
    • Owner - if the event is triggered from a child grid, this will give you a reference to the component, from which the event is emitted.
    <igc-hierarchical-grid id="grid">
    constructor() {
        const grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcHierarchicalGridComponent;
        grid.data = this.data;
        grid.addEventListener("rowSelectionChanging", this.handleRowSelectionChange);
    public handleRowSelectionChange(args) {
        args.detail.cancel = true; // this will cancel the row selection

    Select All Rows

    Another useful API method that IgcHierarchicalGridComponent provides is selectAllRows. By default this method will select all data rows, but if filtering is applied, it will select only the rows that match the filter criteria. If you call the method with false parameter, SelectAllRows(false) will always select all data in the grid, even if filtering is applied.

    Note Keep in mind that selectAllRows will not select the rows that are deleted.

    Deselect All Rows

    IgcHierarchicalGridComponent provides a deselectAllRows method, which by default will deselect all data rows, but if filtering is applied will deselect only the rows that match the filter criteria. If you call the method with false parameter, DeselectAllRows(false) will always clear all row selection state even if filtering is applied.

    How to get Selected Rows

    If you need to see which rows are currently selected, you can get their row IDs with the selectedRows getter.

    public getSelectedRows() {
        const grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcHierarchicalGridComponent;
        const currentSelection = grid.selectedRows; // return array of row IDs

    Additionally, assigning row IDs to selectedRows will allow you to change the grid's selection state.

    public mySelectedRows = [1, 2, 3]; // an array of row IDs
    constructor() {
        const grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcHierarchicalGridComponent;
        grid.data = this.data;
        grid.selectedRows = this.mySelectedRows;

    Row Selector Templates

    You can template header and row selectors in the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent and also access their contexts which provide useful functionality for different scenarios.

    By default, the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent handles all row selection interactions on the row selector's parent container or on the row itself, leaving just the state visualization for the template. Overriding the base functionality should generally be done using the RowSelectionChanging event. In case you implement a custom template with a Click handler which overrides the base functionality, you should stop the event's propagation to preserve the correct row state.

    Modelo de linha

    To create a custom row selector template, within the igc-hierarchical-grid you can use the rowSelectorTemplate property. From the template you can access the implicitly provided context variable, with properties that give you information about the row's state.

    A propriedade selected mostra se a linha atual está selecionada ou não, enquanto a propriedade index pode ser usada para acessar o índice da linha.

    public rowSelectorTemplate = (ctx: IgcRowSelectorTemplateContext) => {
        if (ctx.implicit.selected) {
            return html`<div style="justify-content: space-evenly;display: flex;width: 70px;">
                <span> ${ctx.implicit.index}</span>
                <igc-checkbox checked></igc-checkbox>
        } else {
            return html`<div style="justify-content: space-evenly;display: flex;width: 70px;">
                <span> ${ctx.implicit.index}</span>

    The rowID property can be used to get a reference of an igc-hierarchical-grid row. This is useful when you implement a click handler on the row selector element.

    public rowSelectorTemplate = (ctx: IgcRowSelectorTemplateContext) => {
        return html`
                @click="${(event: any) => {
                this.onSelectorClick(event, ctx.implicit.key);

    In the above example we are using an IgcCheckboxComponent and we bind rowContext.selected to its checked property. See this in action in our Row Numbering Demo.

    [!Note] The rowContext.select() and rowContext.deselect() methods are exposed in the template context of an igc-hierarchical-grid. They make it easier to toggle the current row, especially in a child grid, when you implement a click handler that overrides the base functionality.

    Header Template

    To create a custom header selector template, within the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent, you can use the headSelectorTemplate property. From the template you can access the implicitly provided context variable, with properties that give you information about the header's state.

    The SelectedCount property shows you how many rows are currently selected while totalCount shows you how many rows there are in the IgcHierarchicalGridComponent in total.

    public headSelectorTemplate = (ctx: IgcHeadSelectorTemplateContext) => {
        return html` ${ctx.implicit.selectedCount} / ${ctx.implicit.totalCount} `;

    As propriedades SelectedCount e TotalCount podem ser usadas para determinar se o seletor principal deve ser verificado ou indeterminado (parcialmente selecionado).

    <igc-hierarchical-grid id="grid"
    constructor() {
        const grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcHierarchicalGridComponent;
        grid.data = this.data;
        grid.headSelectorTemplate = this.headSelectorTemplate;
    public headSelectorTemplate = (ctx: IgcHeadSelectorTemplateContext) => {
        const implicit: any = ctx.implicit;
        if (implicit.selectedCount > 0 && implicit.selectedCount === implicit.totalCount) {
                return html`<igc-checkbox checked></igc-checkbox>`;
            } else if (implicit.selectedCount > 0 && implicit.selectedCount !== implicit.totalCount) {
                return html`<igc-checkbox indeterminate></igc-checkbox>`;
            return html`<igc-checkbox></igc-checkbox>`;

    Each hierarchy level in an igc-hierarchical-grid can have its own row and header templating.

    [!Note] The headContext.selectAll() and headContext.deselectAll() methods are exposed in the template context of an igc-hierarchical-grid. They make it easier to toggle all rows, especially in a child grid, when you implement a click handler that overrides the base functionality.

    Row Numbering Demo

    This demo shows the usage of custom header and row selectors. The latter uses index to display row numbers and an IgcCheckboxComponent bound to selected.

    Conditional Selection Demo

    Esta demonstração impede que algumas linhas sejam selecionadas usando o evento RowSelectionChanging e um modelo personalizado com caixa de seleção desabilitada para linhas não selecionáveis.

    API References

    Additional Resources

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