Hierarchical Data Grid Overview and Configuration

    The Ignite UI for Web Components Hierarchical Data Grid is used to display and manipulate hierarchical tabular data. Quickly bind your data with very little code or use a variety of events to customize different behaviors. This component provides a rich set of features like data selection, excel style filtering, sorting, paging, templating, column moving, column pinning, export to Excel and CSV, and more. The Hierarchical Grid builds upon the Flat Grid Component and extends its functionality by allowing the users to expand or collapse the rows of the parent grid, revealing corresponding child grids, when more detailed information is needed.

    Web Components Hierarchical Data Grid Example

    In this Web Components grid example you can see how users can visualize hierarchical sets of data and use cell templating to add other visual components.

    Getting Started with Ignite UI for Web Components Hierarchical Grid


    To get started with the Web Components hierarchical grid, first you need to install the igniteui-webcomponents-grids package.

    npm install --save igniteui-webcomponents-grids

    You also need to include the following import to use the grid:

    import 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined.js';

    The corresponding styles should also be referenced. You can choose light or dark option for one of the themes and based on your project configuration to import it:

    import 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css';

    Or to link it:

    <link rel='stylesheet' href='node_modules/igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css'>

    For more details on how to customize the appearance of the hierarchical grid, you may have a look at the styling section.

    Using the Web Components Hierarchical Data Grid

    Data Binding

    The igc-hierarchical-grid derives from igc-grid and shares most of its functionality. The main difference is that it allows multiple levels of hierarchy to be defined. They are configured through a separate tag within the definition of igc-hierarchical-grid, called igc-row-island. The igc-row-island component defines the configuration for each child grid for the particular level. Multiple row islands per level are also supported. The Hierarchical Grid supports two ways of binding to data:

    Using hierarchical data

    Se o aplicativo carregar todos os dados hierárquicos como uma matriz de objetos que fazem referência a matrizes filhas de objetos, a Grade Hierárquica poderá ser configurada para lê-los e vinculá-los automaticamente. Aqui está um exemplo de uma fonte de dados hierárquica estruturada corretamente:

    export const singers = [{
        "Artist": "Naomí Yepes",
        "Photo": "assets/images/hgrid/naomi.png",
        "Debut": "2011",
        "Grammy Nominations": 6,
        "Grammy Awards": 0,
        "Tours": [{
            "Tour": "Faithful Tour",
            "Started on": "Sep-12",
            "Location": "Worldwide",
            "Headliner": "NO",
            "Toured by": "Naomí Yepes"
        "Albums": [{
            "Album": "Dream Driven",
            "Launch Date": new Date("August 25, 2014"),
            "Billboard Review": "81",
            "US Billboard 200": "1",
            "Artist": "Naomí Yepes",
            "Songs": [{
                "No.": "1",
                "Title": "Intro",
                "Released": "*",
                "Genre": "*",
                "Album": "Dream Driven"

    Each igc-row-island should specify the key of the property that holds the children data.

    <igc-hierarchical-grid auto-generate="true">
        <igc-row-island child-data-key="Albums" auto-generate="true">
            <igc-row-island child-data-key="Songs" auto-generate="true">
        <igc-row-island child-data-key="Tours" auto-generate="true">

    [!NOTE] Note that instead of data the user configures only the childDataKey that the igc-hierarchical-grid needs to read to set the data automatically.

    Using Load-On-Demand

    Most applications are designed to load as little data as possible initially, which results in faster load times. In such cases igc-hierarchical-grid may be configured to allow user-created services to feed it with data on demand.

    <igc-hierarchical-grid id="hGrid" primary-key="customerId" auto-generate="true" height="600px" width="100%">
        <igc-row-island id="ordersRowIsland" child-data-key="Orders" primary-key="orderId" auto-generate="true">
            <igc-row-island id="orderDetailsRowIsland" child-data-key="Details" primary-key="productId" auto-generate="true"></igc-row-island>
    import { getData } from "./remoteService";
    export class HierarchicalGridLoadOnDemand {
        constructor() {
            const hierarchicalGrid = document.getElementById("hGrid") as IgcHierarchicalGridComponent;
            const ordersRowIsland = document.getElementById("ordersRowIsland");
            const orderDetailsRowIsland = document.getElementById("orderDetailsRowIsland");
            ordersRowIsland.addEventListener("gridCreated", (event: any) => {
                this.gridCreated(event, "Customers");
            orderDetailsRowIsland.addEventListener("gridCreated", (event: any) => {
                this.gridCreated(event, "Orders");
            hierarchicalGrid.isLoading = true;
            getData({ parentID: null, rootLevel: true, key: "Customers" }).then((data: any) => {
                hierarchicalGrid.isLoading = false;
                hierarchicalGrid.data = data;
        public gridCreated(event: CustomEvent<IgcGridCreatedEventArgs>, _parentKey: string) {
            const context = event.detail;
            const dataState = {
                key: context.owner.childDataKey,
                parentID: context.parentID,
                parentKey: _parentKey,
                rootLevel: false
            context.grid.isLoading = true;
            getData(dataState).then((data: any[]) => {
                context.grid.isLoading = false;
                context.grid.data = data;
    const URL = `https://data-northwind.indigo.design/`;
    export function getData(dataState: any): any {
        return fetch(buildUrl(dataState))
            .then((result) => result.json());
    function buildUrl(dataState: any) {
        let qS = "";
        if (dataState) {
            if (dataState.rootLevel) {
                qS += `${dataState.key}`;
            } else {
                qS += `${dataState.parentKey}/${dataState.parentID}/${dataState.key}`;
        return `${URL}${qS}`;

    Hide/Show row expand indicators

    If you have a way to provide information whether a row has children prior to its expanding, you could use the HasChildrenKey input property. This way you could provide a boolean property from the data objects which indicates whether an expansion indicator should be displayed.

    <igc-hierarchical-grid data="data" primary-key="ID" has-children-key="hasChildren">

    Note that setting the HasChildrenKey property is not required. In case you don't provide it, expansion indicators will be displayed for each row.

    Additionally if you wish to show/hide the header expand/collapse all indicator you can use the ShowExpandAll property. This UI is disabled by default for performance reasons and it is not recommended to enable it in grids with large data or grids with load on demand.


    The grid features could be enabled and configured through the igc-row-island markup - they get applied for every grid that is created for it. Changing options at runtime through the row island instance changes them for each of the grids it has spawned.

    <igc-hierarchical-grid data="localData" auto-generate="false"
        allow-filtering='true' height="600px" width="800px">
        <igc-column field="ID" pinned="true" filterable="true"></igc-column>
        <igc-column-group header="Information">
            <igc-column field="ChildLevels"></igc-column>
            <igc-column field="ProductName" has-summary="true"></igc-column>
        <igc-row-island child-data-key="childData" auto-generate="false" row-selection="multiple">
            <igc-column field="ID" has-summary="true" data-type="number"></igc-column>
            <igc-column-group header="Information2">
                <igc-column field="ChildLevels"></igc-column>
                <igc-column field="ProductName"></igc-column>
            <igc-paginator per-page="5"></igc-paginator>

    Os seguintes recursos de grade funcionam em um nível por grade, o que significa que cada instância de grade os gerencia independentemente do restante das grades:

    • Classificação
    • Filtragem
    • Paginação
    • Cabeçalhos de várias colunas
    • Escondendo
    • Fixação
    • Movente
    • Resumos
    • Procurar

    The Selection and Navigation features work globally for the whole Hierarchical Grid

    • Seleção A seleção não permite que as células selecionadas estejam presentes para duas grades filho diferentes ao mesmo tempo.
    • Navegação Ao navegar para cima/para baixo, se o elemento next/prev for uma grade filho, a navegação continuará na grade filho relacionada, marcando a célula relacionada como selecionada e focada. Se a célula filho estiver fora da porta de exibição visível atual, ela será rolada para a exibição para que a célula selecionada esteja sempre visível.

    Collapse All Button

    A grade hierárquica permite que os usuários recolham convenientemente todas as suas linhas atualmente expandidas pressionando o botão "Recolher tudo" no canto superior esquerdo. Além disso, cada grade filha que contém outras grades e é uma grade hierárquica em si, também possui esse botão - dessa forma, o usuário pode recolher apenas uma determinada grade na hierarquia:


    In addition to the predefined themes, the grid could be further customized by setting some of the available CSS properties. In case you would like to change the header background and text color, you need to set a class for the grid first:

    <igc-hierarchical-grid class="grid"></igc-hierarchical-grid>

    Em seguida, defina as--header-background propriedades e--header-text-color CSS para essa classe:

    .grid {
        --header-background: #494949;
        --header-text-color: #FFF;


    Known Limitations

    Limitação Descrição
    Agrupar por O recurso Agrupar por não é suportado pela grade hierárquica.

    API References

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