Web Components Grid Sorting

    The Ignite UI for Web Components Data Sorting feature in Web Components Grid is enabled on a per-column level, meaning that the IgcGridComponent can have a mix of sortable and non-sortable columns. Performing Web Components sort actions enables you to change the display order of the records based on specified criteria.

    Web Components Grid Sorting Overview Example

    This is done via the sortable input. With the IgcGridComponent sorting, you can also set the sortingIgnoreCase property to perform case sensitive sorting:

    <igc-column field="ProductName" header="Product Name" data-type="string" sortable="true"></igc-column>

    Sorting Indicators

    Ter uma certa quantidade de colunas classificadas pode ser realmente confuso se não houver indicação da ordem classificada.

    The IgcGridComponent provides a solution for this problem by indicating the index of each sorted column.

    Sorting through the API

    You can sort any column or a combination of columns through the IgcGridComponent API using the IgcGridComponent sort method:

    import { SortingDirection } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids';
    // Perform a case insensitive ascending sort on the ProductName column.
    this.grid.sort([{ fieldName: 'ProductName', dir: SortingDirection.Asc, ignoreCase: true }]);
    // Perform sorting on both the ProductName and Price columns.
        { fieldName: 'ProductName', dir: SortingDirection.Asc, ignoreCase: true },
        { fieldName: 'Price', dir: SortingDirection.Desc }

    [!Note] Sorting is performed using our DefaultSortingStrategy algorithm. Any IgcColumnComponent or ISortingExpression can use a custom implementation of the ISortingStrategy as a substitute algorithm. This is useful when custom sorting needs to be defined for complex template columns, or image columns, for example.

    Assim como acontece com o comportamento de filtragem, você pode limpar o estado de classificação usando o clearSort método:

    // Removes the sorting state from the ProductName column
    // Removes the sorting state from every column in the Grid

    [!Note] The sortStrategy of the IgcGridComponent is of different type compared to the sortStrategy of the IgcColumnComponent, since they work in different scopes and expose different parameters.

    [!Note] The sorting operation DOES NOT change the underlying data source of the IgcGridComponent.

    Initial Sorting State

    It is possible to set the initial sorting state of the IgcGridComponent by passing an array of sorting expressions to the sortingExpressions property of the IgcGridComponent.

    public connectedCallback() {
        this.grid.sortingExpressions = [
            { fieldName: 'ProductName', dir: SortingDirection.Asc, ignoreCase: true },
            { fieldName: 'Price', dir: SortingDirection.Desc }

    [!Note] If values of type string are used by a column of dataType Date, the IgcGridComponent won't parse them to Date objects and using IgcGridComponent Sorting won't work as expected. If you want to use string objects, additional logic should be implemented on an application level, in order to parse the values to Date objects.

    Sorting Indicators Templates

    O ícone do indicador de classificação no cabeçalho da coluna pode ser personalizado usando um modelo. As seguintes propriedades estão disponíveis para criar um modelo do indicador de classificação para qualquer estado de classificação (ascendente, decrescente, nenhum):

    constructor() {
        var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcGridComponent;
        grid.data = this.data;
        grid.sortHeaderIconTemplate = this.sortHeaderIconTemplate;
    public sortHeaderIconTemplate = (ctx: IgcGridHeaderTemplateContext) => {
        return html`<igc-icon name="unfold_more"></igc-icon>`;
    constructor() {
        var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcGridComponent;
        grid.data = this.data;
        grid.sortAscendingHeaderIconTemplate = this.sortAscendingHeaderIconTemplate;
    public sortAscendingHeaderIconTemplate = (ctx: IgcGridHeaderTemplateContext) => {
        return html`<igc-icon name="expand_less"></igc-icon>`;
    constructor() {
        var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcGridComponent;
        grid.data = this.data;
        grid.sortDescendingHeaderIconTemplate = this.sortDescendingHeaderIconTemplate;
    public sortDescendingHeaderIconTemplate = (ctx: IgcGridHeaderTemplateContext) => {
        return html`<igc-icon name="expand_more"></igc-icon>`;


    Além dos temas predefinidos, a grade pode ser ainda mais personalizada ao definir algumas das propriedades CSS disponíveis. Caso você queira alterar algumas das cores, precisa definir uma classe para a grade primeiro:

    <igc-grid class="grid">

    Em seguida, defina as propriedades CSS relacionadas a esta classe:

    .grid {
        --ig-grid-sorted-header-icon-color: #ffb06a;
        --ig-grid-sortable-header-icon-hover-color: black;


    API References

    Additional Resources

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