Web Components Binding Geographic Data Models

    The Ignite UI for Web Components map component is designed to display geo-spatial data from shape files and/or geographic locations from data models on geographic imagery maps. The ItemsSource property of geographic series is used for the purpose of binding to data models. This property can be bound an array of custom objects.

    Web Components Binding Geographic Data Models Example

    The following table summarized data structures required for each type of geographic series:

    Geographic Series Propriedades Descrição
    IgcGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent longitudeMemberPath, latitudeMemberPath Specifies names of 2 numeric longitude and latitude coordinates
    IgcGeographicHighDensityScatterSeriesComponent longitudeMemberPath, latitudeMemberPath Specifies names of 2 numeric longitude and latitude coordinates
    IgcGeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesComponent longitudeMemberPath, latitudeMemberPath, radiusMemberPath Specifies names of 2 numeric longitude and latitude coordinates and 1 numeric column for size/radius of symbols
    IgcGeographicScatterAreaSeriesComponent longitudeMemberPath, latitudeMemberPath, colorMemberPath Specifies names of 2 numeric longitude and latitude coordinates and 1 numeric column for triangulation of values
    IgcGeographicContourLineSeriesComponent longitudeMemberPath, latitudeMemberPath, valueMemberPath Specifies names of 2 numeric longitude and latitude coordinates and 1 numeric column for triangulation of values
    IgcGeographicShapeSeriesComponent shapeMemberPath Specifies the name of data column of ItemsSource items that contains the geographic points of shapes. This property must be mapped to an array of arrays of objects with x and y properties.
    IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent shapeMemberPath Specifies the name of data column of ItemsSource items that contains the geographic coordinates of lines. This property must be mapped to an array of arrays of objects with x and y properties.

    Code Snippet

    The following code shows how to bind the IgcGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent to a custom data model that contains geographic locations of some cities of the world stored using longitude and latitude coordinates. Also, we use the IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent to plot shortest geographic path between these locations using the WorldUtility

    <igc-geographic-map id="geoMap" width="100%" height="100%">
    public flights: any[];
    constructor() {
        const cityDAL = { lat:  32.763, lon: -96.663, country: "US", name: "Dallas" };
        const citySYD = { lat: -33.889, lon: 151.028, country: "Australia", name: "Sydney" };
        const cityNZL = { lat: -36.848, lon: 174.763, country: "New Zealand", name: "Auckland" };
        const cityQTR = { lat: 25.285, lon:  51.531,  country: "Qatar", name: "Doha" };
        const cityPAN = { lat:  8.949, lon: -79.400,  country: "Panama", name: "Panama" };
        const cityCHL = { lat: -33.475, lon: -70.647, country: "Chile", name: "Santiago" };
        const cityJAP = { lat:  35.683, lon: 139.809, country: "Japan", name: "Tokyo" };
        const cityALT = { lat: 33.795,  lon: -84.349, country: "US", name: "Atlanta" };
        const cityJOH = { lat: -26.178, lon: 28.004,  country: "South Africa", name: "Johannesburg" };
        const cityNYC = { lat: 40.750, lon: -74.0999, country: "US", name: "New York" };
        const citySNG = { lat:  1.229, lon: 104.177,  country: "Singapore", name: "Singapore" };
        const cityMOS = { lat: 55.750, lon:  37.700,  country: "Russia", name: "Moscow" };
        const cityROM = { lat:  41.880, lon: 12.520,  country: "Italy", name: "Roma" };
        const cityLAX = { lat: 34.000, lon: -118.25,  country: "US", name: "Los Angeles" };
        this.flights = [
            { origin: cityDAL, dest: citySNG, color: "Green" },
            { origin: cityMOS, dest: cityNZL, color: "Red" },
            { origin: cityCHL, dest: cityJAP, color: "Blue" },
            { origin: cityPAN, dest: cityROM, color: "Orange" },
            { origin: cityALT, dest: cityJOH, color: "Black" },
            { origin: cityNYC, dest: cityQTR, color: "Purple" },
            { origin: cityLAX, dest: citySYD, color: "Gray" },
    connectedCallback() {
        this.geoMap = document.getElementById("geoMap") as IgcGeographicMapComponent;
        for (const flight of this.flights) {
    createSymbolSeries(flight: any)
        const geoLocations = [flight.origin, flight.dest ];
        const symbolSeries = new IgcGeographicSymbolSeriesComponent();
        symbolSeries.dataSource = geoLocations;
        symbolSeries.markerType = MarkerType.Circle;
        symbolSeries.latitudeMemberPath = "lat";
        symbolSeries.longitudeMemberPath = "lon";
        symbolSeries.markerBrush  = "White";
        symbolSeries.markerOutline = flight.color;
        symbolSeries.thickness = 1;
    createPolylineSeries(flight: any)
        const geoPath = WorldUtils.calcPaths(flight.origin, flight.dest);
        const geoDistance = WorldUtils.calcDistance(flight.origin, flight.dest);
        const geoRoutes = [
            { points: geoPath ,
              origin: flight.origin,
              dest: flight.dest,
              distance: geoDistance,
              time: geoDistance / 850,
        const lineSeries = new IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent();
        lineSeries.dataSource = geoRoutes;
        lineSeries.shapeMemberPath = "points";
        lineSeries.shapeStrokeThickness = 9;
        lineSeries.shapeOpacity = 0.5;
        lineSeries.shapeStroke = flight.color;

    API References