React Grid Virtualization and Performance

    In Ignite UI for React, the IgrGrid control virtualizes its content both vertically and horizontally.

    React Grid Virtualization and Performance Example

    Enabling Virtualization

    The IgrGrid now optimizes DOM rendering and memory consumption by rendering only what is currently visible in the view port and swapping the displayed data while the user scrolls the data horizontally/vertically. The IgrGrid's width and height defaults to 100% which will enable virtualization if the content displayed cannot fit inside the available space and scrollbars are required either vertically or horizontally.

    However, it is also possible to explicitly set the IgrGrid's width and/or height to null which means that the related dimension will be determined by the total size of the items inside. No scrollbar will then be shown and all items will be rendered along the respective dimension (columns if width is null and rows if height is null).

    O tamanho dos blocos de dados é determinado por:

    • A altura da linha para a virtualização vertical (linha). Isso é determinado pela rowHeight opção e é 50 (px) por padrão.
    • The individual column widths in pixels for the horizontal (column) virtualization. They can be determined by either setting explicit width for each column component or setting the IgrGrid's columnWidth option, which will be applied to all columns that don't have explicit width set.

    In most cases, letting the grid apply its default behavior by leaving dimensions unset will produce the desired layout. For column widths it is determined by the column count, the columns with set width, and the calculated width of the IgrGrid's container. The grid will try to fit all columns inside the available space as long as the width it attempts to assign is not under 136(px). In such cases, columns with unassigned width will receive the minimum width of 136(px) and a horizontal scrollbar will be shown. The grid will be horizontally virtualized.

    Definir explicitamente as larguras das colunas em porcentagens (%) criará, na maioria dos casos, uma grade que não é virtualizada horizontalmente, pois não terá uma barra de rolagem horizontal.

    Virtualization Limitations

    • On Mac OS horizontal scrollbar is not visible when "Show scrollbars only when scrolling" system option is set to true (which is the default value). This is because the IgrGrid’s row container has an overflow set to hidden. Change the option to "Always" and the scrollbar will appear.


    Why is having dimensions in the Grid is necessary for virtualization to work?

    Without information about the sizes of the container and the items before rendering them setting the width or height of a scrollbar or determining which of the items should be in the view when you scroll to a random location in the IgrGrid is erroneous. Any assumptions on what the actual dimensions might be could lead to unnatural behavior of the scrollbar and ultimately suboptimal experience for the end-user. This is why setting the related dimensions is enforced in order for virtualization to take effect.

    API References

    Additional Resources

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