React Grid Remote Data Operations

    By default, the IgrGrid uses its own logic for performing data operations.

    You can perform these tasks remotely and feed the resulting data to the IgrGrid by taking advantage of certain inputs and events, which are exposed by the IgrGrid.

    Infinite Scroll

    A popular design for scenarios requiring fetching data by chunks from an end-point is the so-called infinite scroll. For data grids, it is characterized by continuous increase of the loaded data triggered by the end-user scrolling all the way to the bottom. The next paragraphs explain how you can use the available API to easily achieve infinite scrolling in IgrGrid.

    To implement infinite scroll, you have to fetch the data in chunks. The data that is already fetched should be stored locally and you have to determine the length of a chunk and how many chunks there are. You also have to keep a track of the last visible data row index in the grid. In this way, using the StartIndex and ChunkSize properties, you can determine if the user scrolls up and you have to show them already fetched data or scrolls down and you have to fetch more data from the end-point.

    The first thing to do is fetch the first chunk of the data. Setting the totalItemCount property is important, as it allows the grid to size its scrollbar correctly.

    Additionally, you have to subscribe to the DataPreLoad output, so that you can provide the data needed by the grid when it tries to display a different chunk, rather than the currently loaded one. In the event handler, you have to determine whether to fetch new data or return data, that's already cached locally.

    Infinite Scroll Demo

    Remote Paging

    O recurso de paginação pode operar com dados remotos. Para demonstrar isso, vamos primeiro declarar nosso serviço que será responsável pela busca de dados. Precisaremos da contagem de todos os itens de dados para calcular a contagem de páginas. Essa lógica será adicionada ao nosso serviço.

    const CUSTOMERS_URL = ``;
    export class RemoteService {
        public static getDataWithPaging(pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number) {
            return fetch(this.buildUrl(CUSTOMERS_URL, pageIndex, pageSize))
            .then((result) => result.json());
        private static buildUrl(baseUrl: string, pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number) {
            let qS = "";
            if (baseUrl) {
                    qS += `${baseUrl}`;
            // Add pageIndex and size to the query string if they are defined
            if (pageIndex !== undefined) {
                qS += `?pageIndex=${pageIndex}`;
                if (pageSize !== undefined) {
                    qS += `&size=${pageSize}`;
            } else if (pageSize !== undefined) {
                qS += `?perPage=${pageSize}`;
            return `${qS}`;

    After declaring the service, we need to create a component, which will be responsible for the IgrGrid construction and data subscription.

              <IgrColumn field="customerId" hidden={true}></IgrColumn>
              <IgrColumn field="companyName" header="Company Name"></IgrColumn>
              <IgrColumn field="contactName" header="Contact Name"></IgrColumn>
              <IgrColumn field="contactTitle" header="Contact Title"></IgrColumn>
              <IgrColumn field="" header="Country"></IgrColumn>
              <IgrColumn field="" header="Phone"></IgrColumn>

    then set up the state:

      const grid = useRef<IgrGrid>(null);
      const paginator = useRef<IgrPaginator>(null);
      const [data, setData] = useState([]);
      const [page, setPage] = useState(0);
      const [perPage, setPerPage] = useState(15);
      const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);
      useEffect(() => {
        loadGridData(page, perPage);
      }, [page, perPage]);

    and finally set up the method for loading the data:

      function loadGridData(pageIndex?: number, pageSize?: number) {
        // Set loading state
        // Fetch data
        RemoteService.getDataWithPaging(pageIndex, pageSize)
          .then((response: CustomersWithPageResponseModel) => {
            // Stop loading when data is retrieved
            paginator.current.totalRecords = response.totalRecordsCount;
          .catch((error) => {
            // Stop loading even if error occurs. Prevents endless loading

    For further reference please check the full sample bellow:

    Grid Remote Paging Demo

    and finally set up the behaviour for the RowIslands:

    Known Issues and Limitations

    • When the grid has no PrimaryKey set and remote data scenarios are enabled (when paging, sorting, filtering, scrolling trigger requests to a remote server to retrieve the data to be displayed in the grid), a row will lose the following state after a data request completes:
    • Seleção de linha
    • Expandir/recolher linha
    • Edição de linha
    • Fixação de linha

    API References

    Additional Resources

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