React Grid Export to Excel Service

    The Ignite UI for React Export to Excel Service in React Grid can export data to excel. The data export functionality is encapsulated in the ExcelExporterService class and the data is exported in MS Excel table format. This format allows features like filtering, sorting, etc. To do this you need to invoke the Export method of ExcelExporterService and pass the IgrGrid component as first argument to export grid easily.

    React Excel Exporter Example

    Export Grouped Data

    To export grouped data you just need to group the IgrGrid by one or more columns. The browser will download a file named "ExportedDataFile.xlsx" which contains the data from the IgrGrid component in MS Excel format grouped by the selected column. You can find example in the beggining of the topic.

    Export Multi Column Headers Grid

    It is now possible to export IgrGrid with defined multi-column headers. All headers will be reflected in the exported excel file as they are displayed in the IgrGrid. If you want to exclude the defined multi-column headers from the exported data you can set the ExporterOption IgnoreMultiColumnHeaders to true.

    [!Note] The exported IgrGrid will not be formatted as a table, since Excel tables do not support multiple column headers.

    Export Grid with Frozen Column Headers

    By default Excel Exporter service exports the grid with scrollable (unfrozen) column headers. There are scenarios in which you may want to freeze all headers on top of the exported excel file so they always stay in view as the user scrolls through the records. To achieve this you could set the ExporterOption FreezeHeaders to true.

    function exportEventFreezeHeaders(grid: IgrGridBaseDirective, args: IgrExporterEvent) {
        args.detail.options.freezeHeaders = true;
    <IgrGridToolbar key="toolbar">
      <IgrGridToolbarActions key="toolbarActions">
        <IgrGridToolbarExporter key="exporting" exportStarted={exportEventFreezeHeaders}></IgrGridToolbarExporter>

    Known Limitations

    Limitação Descrição
    Tamanho máximo da planilha O tamanho máximo da planilha com suporte no Excel é de 1.048.576 linhas por 16.384 colunas.
    Estilo de célula O serviço exportador do Excel não oferece suporte à exportação de um estilo personalizado aplicado a um componente de célula. Nesses cenários, recomendamos o uso da Biblioteca do Excel.

    API References

    • ExcelExporterService
    • ExcelExporterOptions
    • IgrGrid

    Additional Resources

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