Mudando de material para tema Bootstrap
Desde a versão 9.0
, nossos componentes incluem um novo tema inspirado no Bootstrap 4 e ng-bootstrap. Para alternar de Material
para Bootstrap
, você pode usar o mixin integrado do tema.
Bootstrap Light Theme
@use "igniteui-angular/theming" as *;
// IMPORTANT: Prior to Ignite UI for Angular version 13 use:
// @import '~igniteui-angular/lib/core/styles/themes/index';
@include core();
@include theme(
$palette: $light-bootstrap-palette,
$schema: $light-bootstrap-schema
// We can also include the Indigo font and font scaling
@include typography(
$font-family: $bootstrap-typeface,
$type-scale: $bootstrap-type-scale
Bootstrap Dark Theme
@use "igniteui-angular/theming" as *;
// IMPORTANT: Prior to Ignite UI for Angular version 13 use:
// @import '~igniteui-angular/lib/core/styles/themes/index';
@include core();
@include theme(
$palette: $dark-bootstrap-palette,
$schema: $dark-bootstrap-schema
@include typography(
$font-family: $bootstrap-typeface,
$type-scale: $bootstrap-type-scale
API Overview
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