If you’ve already worked with Infragistics’ Xamarin.Forms/Xamarin.Android/Xamarin.iOS DataGrid (XamDataGrid) you’ll have discovered it knows some very neat tricks.
The App Builder Blog
If you’ve used other development platforms, you’re probably used to using a native toolbox that lets you drag and drop controls or whatever you need to your code. Now you’ve decided to use Xamarin.Forms… and there’s no toolbox.
A Note from Infragistics: Angular (formerly Angular 2) represents a huge departure from Angular JS (formerly Angular 1). While Angular JS used a more traditional MVC architecture that relied primarily on Controllers which controlled the interaction between a Model and the View, Angular has taken a more self-contained, composable Component based approach.
Cross platform development can be tricky, especially with mobile platforms involved. You could avoid it entirely by just building a separate app per platform, but that is neither cost effective, nor especially fun.
I once was in a project-scoping meeting for a client who wanted to create next generation banking products and services. Since these were new ideas, they assumed that the customers didn’t exist yet. We were considering conducting contextual inquiries, and a colleague said, “You can’t research someone who doesn’t exist yet.”
In this article, we will focus on how a child component can interact with a parent component using the @Input() property. We’ll also look into intercepting the input message and logging changes in the input message.
Do you know how to handle two-way data binding in Angular? This how-to guide will show you how to simplify the process. Read more now.
Constants are immutable variables which value cannot be changed. Once, you have created a constant, its value cannot be changed. While coding in JavaScript, you may have come across a requirement to create constants. Before ECMA Script 6, it was not very easy to create constants in JavaScript. In this post, I will show you […]
In this post, we will explore all the options to iterate and print properties of a JavaScript object.
A component is a main building block of an Angular 2 application, and an application may have any number of components. We can consider a component a particular view of the application with its own logic and data.