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Katie Mikova

Published posts 41

Katie graduates from Falmouth University, UK with a BA in English with Creative Writing to become a Content Alchemist, Alternative Thinker, Idealist and Idea-Full who is determined and intelligently careful to every piece of writing. She has a brain with an edge that allows her to “box outside the thinking”. With almost 10 years of experience in creating industry-specific topics, Katie delivers well-researched technical content, covering everything from UI/UX, digital product design and development tools, web development trends, and app building. And apart from being a content writer, she loves snowboarding, books, Geeky stuff, and coffee. Lots of coffee.

Scatter plots are a wonderful way of showing (apparent) relationships in bivariate data. Patterns and clusters that you wouldn't see in a huge block of data in a table can become instantly visible on a page or screen.

While the fundamentals of chart design largely concern the accurate and efficient visual representation of data, it is important not to forget the supporting structures - axes, tick marks, tick labels, and grid lines.

Imagine you want a chart that shows how some whole is divided up among its constituent parts. Popular convention may tell you to think in terms of a pie chart.

Depending on a project’s size, scope, and requirements, you may have opted to use an ORM such as Entity Framework without further abstraction or encapsulation. Larger enterprise applications may need complicated layering and services, but the development overhead should be justified.

Week 7 brought in the concepts of both local and abstract expressions. As seems to be the case with me, this week was half a review from other courses that was nice and refreshing, and then BAM, a new concept that completely threw me for a loop.

Week 6 is definitely when I’m starting to feel the burnout of MOOC.

It can be inferred from this quote that data, on its own, isn’t much use to anyone. Raw numbers, statistics, stream of figures - these things are useful only to a point. Data only becomes truly useful once it becomes information.

Week 3 of Introduction to Systematic Program Design was definitely a LOT more video content than I was used to from before, and I can safely say that having started watching the videos from Week 4 already, it’s only going to get crazier from here on out!

If you’ve been here since last week, I’m sure you’re waiting with bated breath to hear how the first week of classes went. Well, the wait is over!

JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming languages on the web. At first, developers didn’t take it seriously, simply because it was not intended for server side programming.